Heidary K, sheikhbahaie A. Design and application of Error Correction Filters to Calculation the Value of Shares of Electricity Utilities, the Case of Tehran Regional Electricity Company. jemr 2013; 4 (14) :183-201
1- ministry of power , kioumars.h@gmail.com
2- ministry of power
Abstract: (7962 Views)
The shares of state-owned or public companies are supplied in privatization plan. If the financial market be clear and efficient, it is expected that discovered price of supplied shares be efficient too. However, there is no guarantee for the fulfillment of this condition. Specially, implementation of those policies that, for example, a shock to exchange rate or the price of inputs (such as fuel), can affect market efficiency to discover efficient price of shares. In this study, the factors that cause the deviation of the actual share price have been identified, at first. After that a computable system has been designed by implementation error corrector filters. The input of this system is biased variable and corrected variable is the output. In this study, comparing previous studies, is generalized. So computable designed model can evaluates a wide range of factors. This system has been used to calculate the share of Tehran Regional Electricity Company. The outcomes show that the value of its shares is change from a negative amount (based on bias variables) to 2445 billion Rials (after passing based variable from correction filters). This difference, in addition of information asymmetry, maybe causes, in special in energy and electricity sectors, some opportunities to rent.
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پولی و مالی Received: 2012/12/3 | Accepted: 2013/10/8 | Published: 2014/08/13